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What is Media Chrome?

Media Chrome provides fully customizable media player controls using web components.

  • Web Components: Compatible with any Javascript framework (React, Angular, Svelte, etc.)
  • Unified API: Compatible with the <video> and <audio> elements and a lot of other players
  • HTML first: Write plain HTML to add and remove controls
  • Easy styling: Simple CSS to style the controls

Adding controls to a video element

Section titled Adding controls to a video element

Just HTML. No javascripting required.

Add controls to the media

<media-chrome> is only packaged as a javascript module (es6), which is supported by all evergreen browsers and Node v12+. The package includes all of the existing media controls.

Load the module in the <head> of your HTML page. Note the type="module", that’s important.

Modules are always loaded asynchronously by the browser, so it’s ok to load them in the head 👍

<script type="module" src=""></script>
npm install media-chrome --save
import 'media-chrome';

Include in your app javascript (e.g. src/App.js)
This will register the custom elements with the browser so they can be used as HTML.

The <media-controller> is the star of the show. It handles the communication between control elements and the media. Start by wrapping your media element with a <media-controller>, and adding slot="media" to your video or audio tag, or other compatible player.


After that, each control element can be used independently. When using outside of a <media-controller> element, a control needs to be told which media controller it’s associated with via the media-controller attribute or property.

<media-controller id="myController">

<media-play-button media-controller="myController"></media-play-button>

Use HTML to add or remove any of the controls. Then you can use CSS to style the controls as you would other HTML elements.

<media-controller>Wraps controls and the media element, and handles communication between them. (docs)
<media-control-bar>Optional controls container to help align the controls in the standard fashion.
<media-play-button>Toggle media playback. (docs)
<media-mute-button>Toggle the sound. The icon responds to volume changes and acts as part of the typical volume control. (docs)
<media-volume-range>Change the volume of the sound. (docs)
<media-time-range>See how far the playhead is through the media duration, and seek to new times. (docs)
<media-time-display>Show the time of the playhead.

<media-time-display remaining> Show as remaining time
<media-time-display show-duration> Also show the duration after a slash. Ex: 1:00 / 2:00. (docs)
<media-duration-display>Show the duration of the media
<media-fullscreen-button>Toggle fullscreen viewing. (docs)
<media-pip-button>Toggle picture-in-picture mode of the video. (docs)
<media-playback-rate-button>Change the speed of playback. (docs)
<media-seek-backward-button>Jump back n seconds in the media (default 30). (docs)
<media-seek-forward-button>Jump ahead n seconds in the media (default 30). (docs)
<media-captions-button>Show/disable captions (if no captions are available, will fallback to subtitles by default unless no-subtitles-fallback attribute is set). (docs)
<media-poster-image>Show a poster image that’s displayed until media begins playing for the first time. Optionally also accepts a placeholder-src attribute that can be used for content that immediately loads, such as an inlined, low-resolution image. (docs
<media-airplay-button>Bring up the AirPlay menu to select/deselect AirPlay playback (Safari only). (docs)
<media-loading-indicator>Show when your media content is loading/buffering. (docs)
More to comeRequests and contributions welcome

Media Chrome will work with any HTML element that exposes the same API as HTML media elements (<video> and <audio>). See the guide for the media slot to learn more about how media elements work with the media slot.