Design Principles

Components should feel like native HTML

Section titled Components should feel like native HTML

Web components allow us to “extend the browser”, and in this project we take that seriously, to the degree of aligning the design of the components to the design of native HTML elements. In some cases this can seem less ideal/progressive, but it creates an intutive and predictable interface for anyone familiar with HTML concepts.

  • Prefix with media- for scoping.
  • The suffix should make it clear what the primary user interaction is with the element, mapping to the matching native HTML element when possible. e.g. -button, -range, -image.
    • Use -container for elements that are purely for laying out other elements. More specific layout names like -bar are acceptible when the name is clear and intentional.
    • Use -display when the primary use is displaying a state or data detail. e.g. media-duration-display.

A goal of this project is that each UI element could be used independently of the project, in the same way an HTML Button can be used independently of an HTML Form. This will make it possible for other players to share these base elements.

Support Unidirectional Data Flow

Section titled Support Unidirectional Data Flow

Many js application frameworks today like React follow a “unidirectional data flow” pattern. We want to make sure media chrome elements are not blocked or complicated to use in these contexts.

Connecting elements to the media

Section titled Connecting elements to the media

Media chrome UI elements emit events to request media state changes. These events bubble up the DOM and are caught by a parent <media-controller> element. The media-controller handles the request and calls the appropriate API on a child media element, designated with the attribute slot="media". A media element can be <video>, <audio>, or any element with a matching API.

Media state is set on UI elements via HTML attributes, for example <media-ui-element media-paused>. For UI elements that are children of or associated with a media-controller, the media-controller will update these attributes automatically.

UI elements that are not children of a media-controller can be associated with a media-controller through a javascript function or the media-controller="" attribute.

Note: We have been through many different approaches to the architecture:

  1. A UI element “discovers” a media element by finding a parent media-container, then has a direct reference to the media element
  2. A parent media-container injects a reference to a media element into all child UI elements

Moving to a single centralized controller handling all operations against the media element has made debugging, monitoring user interactions, and refactoring much easier.